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My name is Safia, Mum to 3 full on little ones. I'm passionate about Mental Health and Wellbeing for all Women, but especially Mothers. 
Being a Mum over the past 9 years has seen my own struggles, with not just sleeping, feeding, and horrendous reflux with all 3. But the constant feeling of not doing enough and feeling guilty every minute of the day. Suffering from social and Health anxiety only exacerbated these feelings. I found myself running on empty and I didn't even know it, the voice in my head was just too much at times. All this even led me to question my own identity and self worth. I didn't recognise who I was anymore. 

I didn't know what was the 'norm' or how I was supposed to feel, I didn't know what help I needed, or where I should go, I didn't even leave the house for 6months. I felt everyone had it together at the nursery gates or at the coffee shop and on social media. I felt I was judged for choices I made. But they were just that.
My choices, I just wasn't mentally strong enough to say so. 

In response this, I started The Mum Hub (TMH), and my aim is to create a safe, empowering, all inclusive, space for Mums to express their views, share knowledge, whilst leaving with practical skills to support their own Mental Health. All whilst having an amazing time meeting new, friendly faces.   

Whether you are a Career Mum, Stay at Home Mama or a Solo Mummy, in the newborn stage or past, what unites us all is that we are mothers. 
TMH Brunch's aim to bring women from all walks of life together in a supportive environment with good vibes to learn something new and how we can be the best versions of ourselves. 

What makes TMH unique is that each event has a mum owned business woman who is passionate about sharing their expertise on topics such as, 'Anxiety As a Modern Day Mother' presented by the amazing Anna Mathur,  'Perimenopause & Hormone Health', 'Mum guilt & your evolving identity', 'The family, work life juggle' and 'How your relationship changes after children'.' 
Let us change the narrative and empower our children with our new found knowledge in this relaxed, safe space for all ,no matter how far along your motherhood journey.
So why not book your Brunch with a bite!



Anxiety As A modern Day Mother (Anna Mathur) 

"This was my first TMH and what a treat it was. Anna is amazing, as is Victoria 

Fab company and venue. Excited to be part of the Hub and attend more events. Congratulations on a great event!" 



Burnout and the effects on your mental health 

"Thank you The Mum Hub for a lovely and informative morning: I attended in Wimbledon & not only enjoyed a delicious brunch, but also the opportunity to meet other mums in a relaxed environment and take the time to think about my own wellbeing... which doesn't happen often enough as a mum of three with my own business! I've already shared some of the wisdom I gathered about avoiding burnout with a couple friends. Many thanks, and I encourage other mamas to take the time to put themselves first and attend an event." Lisa Harris


Peri menopause Brunch (Wellness with Gaby) 

"Peri menopause brunch was pure excellence! The knowledge I came away with will empower myself and my daughter for years to come. Thank you" 



Talking to toddlers and beyond

"I didn't realise how much the power of language could harness the behaviour I wanted and ultimately strengthen my bond with my children. So powerful!"



Harnessing your hormones for better health 

"I felt empowered as a Mum, Like I could do anything for the rest of the day"



Mum Guilt and your evolving identity 

"I took myself out of my comfort zone as I have older children and I didn't regret it, I can't wait to attend the next one! the practical tools I gained to manage my feelings surrounding guilt and how becoming a mum starts an evolution process I will be forever grateful for"



No events at the moment

Interviews & Blogs


Mama Tribe Interview with Kensington Mums

Safia Rana-Jaswal spoke to Kensington Mums, an award winning website for London mums all about balancing Motherhood with multiple businesses.


Supporting mums through the parenthood journey

Safia Rana-Jaswal, founder of The Mum Hub, explains why supporting mums is even more important today than it ever was.

Mother and Daughter

Guest Blog feature with The Sen Expert

Parenting is challenging and we shouldn’t be afraid of using all the resources available to us to help our children thrive. Labels can often cloud our judgement and we continually punish ourselves for things we think we should have done. Read all about my own journey here...

Tea and Electronics






Email us if you'd like to collaborate. We would love to hear from you! 

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